Saturday 18 October 2014

Healthy Hints - Kale Chips

Ok so you probably wouldn't think that I eat any healthy foods judging by my previous blog posts but those are most of the occasions in which I eat some naughty treats! I am a MASSIVE chips fan, like I can eat a whole bag of potato chips in one sitting, easy. So trying to beat the cravings can be so difficult, but I have stumbled upon a fantastic alternative- kale chips!

Kale has become widely popular recently due to everyone's obsession with 'green smoothies', bulking, 'clean eating' and things like that and one day while I was hanging about the internet (as you do) I found a picture of this.

I decided to give it a go seeing as we had kale in the fridge and I was hungry as always. I followed the recipe of Oh She Glow's All Dressed Kale Chips and experimented a bit with seasonings.

I tried plain sea salt, Moroccan seasoning and paprika with garlic powder. My favourite was Moroccan seasoning but I soon learnt that the salt was a bit too much so I will opt for no salt next time. They are super easy to make, super tasty and you don't have to eat that much to feel satisfied! The only thing is that I have not found a way to store these to preserve the crisp crunch of the chips :(

Fresh out of the oven... but try not to munch on them now, as per Oh She Glow's tip, you should leave them on the tray for a few minutes to allow them to crisp up even more!

Now doesn't that just look delicious AND healthy, if you're not convinced let me tell you it is amazing! I think I'll have to make some tomorrow!

That's all for now,

Sayonara! xo

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