Friday 29 August 2014

Not Good For Diets...

Spontaneous post because I was so excited to find Cool Ranch flavoured Doritos in the supermarket the other day! After hearing Tyler Oakley rave on about these all the time I had to try it, and I love a good snack food so here are some new/limited edition items I've found here in Australia.

 Cadbury Crunchie Biscuits!! This tastes just like the chocolate- AMAZING! Grabbed them as soon as I saw them even though they were $3
 But only 8 in a pack :(

 Another variety of Cadbury Biscuits: Dairy Milk Biscuits! This is the perfect snack for chocaholics because it is smothered in a thick layer of dairy milk chocolate and the chocolate shortbread crumbles perfectly! Loved this... and they were on special for $2!
 But same as the crunchie- only 8 in a pack :(
 Now this is a spin on the classic Aussie treat Tim Tams! I don't know how to describe the taste but it is delicious! The only thing is the biscuits a very pigmented red colour but if you don't mind food colouring you totally have to try this!

 And finally, *drum roll please* Cool Ranch Doritos! ft. my fave snack in the world- Cheese Supreme Doritos! *mega excitement*
These tasted more like sour cream and chives to me but with a funny aftertaste. They were a bit tangy but they weren't as good as I expected :( Cheese Supreme still hasn't been beat!

Sorry for making you hungry but this was fun! That's all for now!

Sayonara! xo


  1. great now I need a snack... Thanks Lady! haha

  2. haha I definitely got quite peckish writing this. thanks for the comment! :)
