Friday 22 August 2014

Japanese Snacktime #2 - Drinktime!

Ok so you may or may not have heard that Japan has a ridiculous amount of vending machines, apparently there is one vending machine for every three people in Japan, crazy right? Well it’s not hard to believe because everywhere you go you’ll probably be no further than 100 metres from a vending machine. And it’s super cheap (compared to Australia anyways) with the average 500ml drink like Coca Cola, Fanta or Aquarius being 150 yen (around $1.50 AUD). 

I’ll start with my all-time favourite Japanese drink, it is my first point of call when I get through customs at Narita Airport, and it is none other than the sports drink, Aquarius. I think the flavour is lemon and lime, maybe a bit of grapefruit? I don’t really know but it tastes amazing. With a taste similar to Pocari Sweat, it has been part of a never ending debate in my house: Aquarius vs. Pocari Sweat. 

In my opinion Aquarius is less sweet and more refreshing than Pocari Sweat making it an ideal drink in the summer, but it’s just one of those debates like Coke vs. Pepsi and McDonalds vs. Hungry Jacks (or Burger King depending on where you live).  
Please excuse the blurry photo - Aquarius usually comes in a 500ml bottle but I forgot to take a picture :(
I give this drink 10/10, I’m literally obsessed and I think that the Coca-Cola Company should release it in Australia!

Other variations of this drink include Aquarius Zero - zero sugar and Aquarius Refresh Ice - acerola and mint flavour. Aquarius tastes very similar to the normal Aquarius just less sweet and a little watered down. Aquarius Refresh Ice is something I’ve never seen before and I stumbled upon in my local seven eleven so I decided to try it. As I was walking in really hot weather and boy it was humid, this drink really was refreshing, especially with the mint and acerola. However it is a bit of a unique taste and I would probably just stick to the regular Aquarius. I give Aquarius Zero 8/10 and Aquarius Refresh Ice 6/10. 

Until next time!

Sayonara! xo

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